Thursday, February 12, 2015

Improvements Expected in Google Nexus 6 after Reviewing Nexus 5

Improvements Expected in Google Nexus 6 after Reviewing Nexus 5

Nexus 5 is the flagship phone of Google that was released this October and created a quite a buzz in the tech world with its irresistibly advanced specifications. However, since the inception of civilization the Darwinian philosophy of ‘survival of the fittest’ has ruled the thoughts of the human beings and it continues to do so even today. Human beings always want to improvise and modify everything surrounding them so that they can lead a better life. This basic human drive has also led the tech geeks to consider the improvisation that they expect to see in Nexus 6 within a month of the release of Nexus 5.

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Advanced processor with greater RAM support, bigger storage capacity, enhanced screen resolution and better camera are some of the standard facets which are improved with the launch of the next generation phones. However, there are also some other very basic aspects on which the developers must pay attention to. Here are some of those basic aspects where we expect improvements when Google Nexus 6 will be released.

The batteries of smartphones drain out rapidly, especially if the users are avid apps users. So just in case we miss charging our phone for a day, we are going to face the music the next day. This is true for all smartphones, and though some improvements have been made in this genre but we are yet to see a smartphone with 3 – 4 days of battery backup. Therefore, Nexus 6 can give a feat to all other smartphones by developing a battery that suits with the diverse use of the phone.

Approximately half or at least one fourth of the smartphone users have lost their beloved phones due to liquid damage. Google Nexus 6 can come up with a technology whereby its next flagship gadget will be 100% resistant to water and thereby providing the potential customers with more than enough reasons to invest on this smartphone. 

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Dust- resistant 
Since the smartphones are very fragile, inclusion of technology that resist dust from damaging the smartphone is also a necessity. It will safeguard the phone from climatic damages like moisture and dust.

Solar Charging Unit 
The developers can provide Google Nexus 6 with a battery that can be charged using solar energy along with the mainstream method charging it. This will be a great backup option in case of urgent need.

These are some of the areas where we expect some improvisations when the next flagship phone of Google will be launched in the upcoming year.

About Author:
Abhilash Thakur, A tech buff with a passion for writing. Although loves to write on Nexus 6 and devices run on Android, doesnt miss relevant news on other industry players.

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