Saturday, February 28, 2015

IMU Learning Series 01 Facebook for Learning and Teaching


Date: Wednesday, 28th December
Venue: Online (WiZiQ)  
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 P.M. (Malaysian time)
(GMT + 8 Hours: 6:30 - 7:30 A.M)

Can Facebook be used for teaching and learning? How can it be used? In this online session we explored how it can be used for teaching and learning with a specific emphasis on using Facebook Groups and Pages.  

  • Zaid Ali Alsagoff 
  • Fareeza Marican 

You are recommended to skip the first 10 minutes, so that you can get right into the action. If you have problems viewing, try updating your Flash Player.

IMU Learning Series 01 - Facebook for Learning and Teaching?
(To view the recorded online session)

    IMU Learning Series 01 - Facebook for Learning and Teaching?
    View more presentations from Zaid Alsagoff.

    Stay tuned for the upcoming online session, which will be revealed soon :)

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