Friday, March 13, 2015

Apps Script Dashboard and Quotas

Apps Script developers have consistently expressed the need to monitor the health of various Apps Script services. Additionally, at every forum, event, hackathon or hangout, we have heard you express a need to know and understand the quota limits in Apps Script.

Apps Script Dashboard is born!

We heard your message loud and clear, so we started working on a dashboard for Apps Script. Today, we are launching the Google Apps Script Dashboard. This experimental dashboard can be used to monitor the health of 10 major services. It also provides a detailed view into the quota restrictions in Apps Script.

Features of the Apps Script Dashboard

  1. The dashboard offers a view into past and present states of 10 major Apps Script services. The past view goes back one week.
  2. Each Apps Script service has three states on the dashboard: Normal Service, Known Issues and Investigating.
  3. The Known Issues state signals that we know about the issues in that service and are working to fix them.
  4. Quotas are displayed for three different types of user accounts: Consumer accounts (for example accounts), Google Apps (free) accounts, and Google Apps for Business, EDU and Government accounts.

Interesting Facts About Quotas

Did you know that consumer accounts (for example accounts) have quota of 1 hour of CPU time per day for executing triggers? Imagine the extent of automation that can happen for each user with triggers. And how about 20,000 calls to any external APIs. Now that packs in a lot of 3rd party integration with the likes of, Flickr, Twitter and other APIs. So, if you are thinking of building extensions in Google Apps for your product, then don’t forget to leverage the UrlFetch Service which has OAuth built-in. Event managers can create 5,000 calendar events per day and SQL aficionados get 10,000 JDBC calls a day.

Check out the Dashboard for more.

Saurabh Gupta profile | twitter | blog

Saurabh is a Developer Programs Engineer at Google. He works closely with Google Apps Script developers to help them extend Google Apps. Over the last 10 years, he has worked in the financial services industry in different roles. His current mission is to bring automation and collaboration to Google Apps users.

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Divs positioning

Today we ran into an interesting case of div within div positioning. Imagine you want to position child div within parent with some margin-top of the child div:

So the first solution was quite obvious:


<style type="text/css">
background-color: Black;
width: 1000px;
height: 250px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
width: 1000px;
height: 25px;
background-color: Yellow;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
margin-top: 200px;

<div class="Test">
<div class="Test2">

The ony thing was that this was putting a wrong result:

So a little trick was needed:



            background-color: Black;

            width: 1000px;

            height: 250px;

            margin-left: auto;

            margin-right: auto;

            /*try with or without this: display: table;*/


Any ideas why?
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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Help users find your app with MIME type based Chrome Web Store marketing

Note from editor: The syntax for this feature has changed since this was first posted. The posted has been edited to reflect the change.

Try to think back to when the word “viral” had only negative connotations . . . if you are a web developer trying to market your app on a minimal budget, you may not remember those dark days at all! Viral marketing is currently not just the cheapest but arguably the most effective way to spread the word about your app and to drive user adoption. Through file sharing and MIME type-filtered upsells, Google Drive integration gives apps some powerful “viral” marketing capabilities.

Users love to share files. Google Drive makes this easy for them to do, and we know from experience that they do it often. When users share or sync files that they can’t open using an installed viewer, Drive displays a link to a Chrome Web Store list of apps that can open that file type -- potentially, your app. This can be a powerful mechanism for distributing your app to the users that actually need it.

For example, let’s say someone asks me to review a project plan saved in an .mpp file. I currently don’t have a viewer to open such a file. Am I out of luck? No — help is right there for me at the bottom left of the screen:

If I click on this link, I’m redirected to a Chrome Web Store list of installable apps that have registered themselves to open .mpp files. Currently, this includes some excellent options for Drive-integrated project management web apps:

Interested in getting your app in a list like this? It’s not difficult. First, add a special web intent to your Chrome Web Store manifest. This intent should include the MIME types and extensions youd like your app to be searchable by. Though the type field accepts only MIME types, it allows you to model file extensions as the special type application/<EXTENSION>.

"name" : "ProjectManagmentApp",
"version" : "1",
"description" : "A web app to manage projects",
"container" : "GOOGLE_DRIVE",
"api_console_project_id" : "1234567891011",
"gdrive_mime_types": {
"": [
"type": ["application/",
"href": "http://projectapp_web_url/",
"title" : "Open",
"disposition" : "window"

Once an intent like this is published in your app listing, you’ll be featured in Chrome Web Store “upsell” lists like the one depicted above, and users viewing the list will be a click away from installing your app. For full detail on adding this web intent to your manifest and testing it for your Chrome Web Store listing, see Help Users Find your App in the Drive SDK documentation.

We recommend that any and all listed apps should list their MIME types for filtering in this way. However, doing so is especially beneficial for apps that can open any of these following types, for which there is currently no registered viewer at all:

  • message/rfc822 -- Email
  • text/x-vcard -- Electronic business cards
  • application/x-font-ttf -- Fonts
  • image/gif -- Animated GIFs

Inevitably, users who lack valid viewers will end up with shared files of these MIME types. And just when they are about to throw up their hands, they’ll find your app at the top of the list of apps that can help them open the file. This creates the conditions for a very positive first user experience for your app.

If you have questions or comments about how to add this feature to your app, don’t hesitate to let us know on our Stack Overflow tag, google-drive-sdk.

Eric Gilmore

Eric is a technical writer working with the Developer Relations group. Previously dedicated to Google Apps APIs, he is now busy writing about all aspects of the Google Drive SDK.

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Parsing exported mailboxes using Python

Google Apps domain administrators can use the Email Audit API to download mailbox accounts for audit purposes in accordance with the Customer Agreement. To improve the security of the data retrieved, the service creates a PGP-encrypted copy of the mailbox which can only be decrypted by providing the corresponding RSA key.

When decrypted, the exported mailbox will be in mbox format, a standard file format used to represent collections of email messages. The mbox format is supported by many email clients, including Mozilla Thunderbird and Eudora.

If you don’t want to install a specific email client to check the content of exported mailboxes, or if you are interested in automating this process and integrating it with your business logic, you can also programmatically access mbox files.

You could fairly easily write a parser for the simple, text-based mbox format. However, some programming languages have native mbox support or libraries which provide a higher-level interface. For example, Python has a module called mailbox that exposes such functionality, and parsing a mailbox with it only takes a few lines of code:

import mailbox

def print_payload(message):
# if the message is multipart, its payload is a list of messages
if message.is_multipart():
for part in message.get_payload():
print message.get_payload(decode=True)

mbox = mailbox.mbox(export.mbox)
for message in mbox:
print message[subject]

Let me know your favorite way to parse mbox-formatted files by commenting on Google+.

For any questions related to the Email Audit API, please get in touch with us on the Google Apps Domain Info and Management APIs forum.

Claudio Cherubino   profile | twitter | blog

Claudio is a Developer Programs Engineer working on Google Apps APIs and the Google Apps Marketplace. Prior to Google, he worked as software developer, technology evangelist, community manager, consultant, technical translator and has contributed to many open-source projects, including MySQL, PHP, Wordpress, Songbird and Project Voldemort.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Improved Customer Engagement Discovery in the Google Apps Marketplace

We recently updated the Google Apps Marketplace with several new features to help developers better engage with their customers and improve discoverability of apps in the marketplace.

Reply to Comments & Reviews

It’s no secret that engaging your customers and responding to their feedback is critical to success. It’s now possible to engage in conversations with customers based on comments & reviews for your app in the marketplace.

Rich Application Snippets in Google Search

Google Search recently introduced rich snippets for applications several months ago with enhanced search results for applications from marketplaces like Android Market and others. Marketplace apps will soon be appearing as rich snippets with ratings and pricing details.

New Category Home Pages

Lastly, we introduced new home pages for each category in the Marketplace to feature the top installed and newest apps for that category.

We hope that you find value in these changes and wish everyone a happy new year!

Steven Bazyl   profile | twitter | events

Steve is a Developer Advocate for Google Apps and the Google Apps Marketplace. He enjoys helping developers find ways to integrate their apps and bring added value to users.

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Google DevFest coming to Australia

Google DevFest Australia is a week long series of mini-conferences similar to Google I/O. DevFest will run from June 28th through July 2nd with scheduled sessions on Google Apps, App Engine, Wave, Chrome, Social, and Geo/Maps. Patrick Chanezon and I will be speaking on Tuesday covering Google Apps, App Engine, and Google Apps Marketplace.

DevFest is a Google kind of event for developers that is part hackathon, part seminar, and all fun. Developers will have access to Google developers, our newest APIs, and hear about the latest code to be open sourced.

It is also a learning experience for us at Google. We always like to see what developers are doing with our code and APIs. Working with developers is natural for us. Come see us if you are in Australia, and watch for blog updates and Tweets throughout the week. Here is a link to the sessions and registration information.

Watch this space for announcements of upcoming DevFests in other parts of the world.

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Agiles perspective on failure

In the fall of 2011 I did some research regarding agile and failure for a presentation at Much Ado About Agile 2011 in Vancouver. The research was focused by a blog post by Philippe Kruchten describing some of the agile elephants. He listed "commercial interests censoring failure" and "using Elitism as a defense (against failure)" as two of the elephants. I consulted my brother-in-law Dr. Jason Ediger who is a psychologist to learn a bit more about the psychology of failure. After a brief explanation of what agile is, he responded with this:

"The assumption of failure is built into the agile process. The traditional method is built on the presupposition that we can plan failure out of the process. We dont have to test for it because weve taken everything into account. Agile assumes that humans are going to fail. By its very nature, agile cant ignore (or censure) failure. If the accusation is that agile suppresses failures, then by definition - that is not agile. If agile is done properly then it cant* fail because it tests for failure all along. If you suppress failure, you guarantee it. Agile has a different perspective on failure. It doesnt see failures as catastrophic, but as expected. That difference in perspective allows us to celebrate failure rather than suppress it."

Pretty interesting comment dont you think?

Agile tests for failure all along in order to succeed. We arent hoping for, or even planning on failure, but we do test for it regularly by delivering frequently, having daily stand-ups, keeping project status visible, etc. We do all this so that we can discover and react to our failures quickly in order to succeed.

Subscribe to Winnipeg Agilist by Email

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ODBC connection to failed

Oh this wasted 45 minutes of my life. The error:

ODBC--connection to ODBCName failed.

1. Linked tables from SQL to Access via ODBC
2. Created queries
3. Queries worked, no problem (linked tables and tables in database)
4. Ran the same query in ASP.NET web application, got the error above

As it turns out, the problem was Ive created an ODBC entry as "User". It should have been a "System" DNS. So if you have such a case, this might be a solution. Thxs e_masoudifard (in the end of this thread):
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Integrating your Rails application with Google Apps and the Apps Marketplace

Editor’s note: Vincent Van Gemert is a software engineer at Floorplanner, an online floor planning application which launched in June on the Google Apps Marketplace.

In this article you will find a step-by-step guide to integrating your Ruby on Rails application with Google Apps and launching it on the Google Apps Marketplace. The Google Apps Marketplace is a great platform to get new clients, show off our product and integrate Floorplanner with the services Google provides. At the beginning of the summer we tried to launch our application on the Marketplace. We found out that a lot of people were struggling with the existing Rails libraries and the OAuth authorization method, therefore we would like to provide this tutorial to help other developers. I would like to thank Dušan Maliarik for building this implementation with me and finding the solution for using the two-legged OAuth authorization.

1. The initial setup

Before you start programming there is some required setup. You first have to add a new application on the Google Apps Marketplace. You will need a Vendor Profile for this and a Google account. Sign In to the Marketplace with your Google account and go to your Vendor Profile using the link at the top-right of the Marketplace homepage.

After you enter some information about your company, there will be a list of your applications called “Listings.” You need to create a new listing to develop and test your application. When you create a new listing, check the box which says “My product may be directly installed into Google Apps domains.” This is necessary if you want the application to have an “Add it Now” button on the listing page, and allows you to add a Manifest to describe the application.

A Manifest describes all the settings of your application, like the name, URL’s and required permissions. Below you can find an example manifest. You will need to change all fields surrounded by brackets [ ].
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ApplicationManifest xmlns="">


<!-- Administrators and users will be sent to this URL for application support -->
<!-- URL for application setup as an optional redirect during the install -->
<Link rel="setup" href="[ApplicationSetupUrl]?domain=${DOMAIN_NAME}" />

<!-- URL for application configuration, accessed from the app settings page in the control panel -->
<Link rel="manage" href="[ApplicationAdminUrl]?domain=${DOMAIN_NAME}" />

<!-- URL explaining how customers get support. -->
<Link rel="support" href="[ApplicationHelpUrl]" />

<!-- URL that is displayed to admins during the deletion process, to specify policies such as data retention, how to claim accounts, etc. -->
<Link rel="deletion-policy" href="[ApplicationPolicyUrl]" />

<!-- Show this link in Googles universal navigation for all users -->
<Extension id="navLink" type="link">
<!-- Used APIs -->
<Scope ref="contactFeed"/>
<Scope ref="spreadsheetFeed"/>
<Scope ref="doclistFeed"/>

<!-- Declare our OpenID realm so our app is white listed -->
<Extension id="realm" type="openIdRealm">

<Scope id="doclistFeed">

<Scope id="contactFeed">


You should decide whether you want to create a setup page. During the installation process of the application you will be redirected to the URL you specified in the manifest under “setup”. This is useful for collecting additional information necessary for configuring the app, or setting up a new umbrella account for the company. The umbrella account allows you to use other users of the domain as sub-users. You can also retrieve other information, like the administrators of the domain, the logo of the Google Apps account, or the domain name of the Google Apps account. If you don’t want to redirect customers to your site during the installation process, then just remove the line from your manifest.

2. Rails libraries and OpenID

The code you’re going to use relies on several Rails plugins and gems. The plugins/gems needed for this tutorial are listed below.
  • OAuth Gem
  • Ruby-openid
  • Rack-openid
  • Ruby-openid-apps-discovery
After installing these, you will be able to use OpenID, OAuth and the Google Data APIs in your Rails application. First you are going to authenticate the user with OpenID. This way you can retrieve the user’s email address and other information like First and Last name. The OpenID implementation is straight-forward. When using OpenID, a connection will be made to Google’s OpenID service and will check if the user granted access to your application. In typical OpenID, a ‘grant access’ page or login page is presented if the user hasn’t granted access to the app, though this won’t happen if you have a Google Apps Marketplace application installed with a properly configured realm as access is granted by the administrator for all of their users. This process can be found in the example code below.

def login

# The domain needs to be set. For example with params[:domain]
{ :required => [""], :return_to => /login}) do |result, identity_url, registration|

if result.successful?
# Succesfully logged in, retrieve email address
email = get_email(registration)
# Failed to login


def get_email(registration)

ax_response = OpenID::AX::FetchResponse.from_success_response(


After reviewing this code sample you can alter it for using it with the setup page. Authenticate with OpenID when a user goes into the setup procedure and redirect them to the actual setup page after they are authenticated.

After your setup page is complete you can add your Google Apps Marketplace listing to your Google Apps account. Note that administrator privileges are necessary to add the application to your Google Apps account. You can add the application from the Vendor Profile when you click on your newly created application. A big blue button will appear on the right side of the listing’s information page. More information on this process can be found on the Creating a Listing page in the Marketplace developer documentation.

3. Using the Google Data APIs

When using the Google Data APIs outside of the Apps Marketplace you have to get access to a user’s data using three-legged OAuth, AuthSub or ClientLogin. These authorization methods require your application to redirect the user to Google’s site to request authorization. Because you’ve already authenticated the user by using OpenID and an administrator has granted authorization to the user’s data when they added your application to their Google Apps domain, you don’t want to use these methods.

For the Google Apps Marketplace there is another option-- two-legged OAuth. Two-legged OAuth allows your application to use a single consumer key and secret (available from the Vendor Profile) to access the data for all your customers who have installed the Marketplace app and granted the appropriate permissions. Because the administrators have granted permission on behalf of their users, each user does not need to be prompted individually.

The first thing you should try is to retrieve a contact list of a user. You could use it for auto completion on forms, or you can let users quickly add friends to your application.

CONSUMER_KEY = "Your-consumer-key"
CONSUMER_SECRET = "Your-consumer-secret"

def get_contacts

# Retrieve contacts
email = ""
url = "{email}"
contacts = gdata_request(url, :get)


def gdata_request(url, method, headers = {}, data = "")

uri = URI.parse(url)

# Setting up two-legged-oauth
consumer =, CONSUMER_SECRET)
oauth_params = {:consumer => consumer, :method => method, :request_uri => uri.to_s}

# Set Net:HTTP connection
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = (uri.port == 443)

if method == :post
req =
req.body = data
req =

# Set authorization header
oauth_helper =, oauth_params)
req.initialize_http_header(headers.merge({Authorization => oauth_helper.header}))

# Execute request
response = http.request(req)


The feature we struggled with the most during the integration of Floorplanner was the two-legged OAuth authorization. There was no documentation available for the gems and it took some attempts to get it right. We turned to the OAuth Playground to find out the differences between our own request and the working request. After numerous tries we found out that we need to specify the HTTP method in order to get it working. It was important to use the Net::HTTP::Post request when sending information and Net::HTTP::Get request when retrieving information. This sounds logical, but it also needed to be done when retrieving the authorization header in the OAuth Client Helper, as well as in the Net HTTP request. Now we have this code, we can generate a request for almost every call in the Google Data API’s.

In the next example, you will use the Google Docs API to send a CSV file to a user’s Google Docs account. You need to do a POST request to the Google Docs feed. The request is almost the same as in the previous example, only you need to add two more headers. One is the Content-Type where you specify the MIME type you want to send. In this case, you’re uploading a CSV file so “text/csv” will do. Another header you need to send is the Slug. This value specifies the name you want for the document in Google Docs. Another way of doing this is adding meta-data to the body of the request. More information on this method can be found in the the Google Docs documentation.

def submit_csv_to_gdocs

email =
url ={email}

# Create new CSV
csv =

CSV::Writer.generate(csv, ,) do |line|
line << ["Example 1", "Example 2"]


# Send request
gdata_request(url, :post,
{ Content-Type => text/csv,
Slug => test.csv,
GData-Version => 3.0 },


Now, this is all you need to get started with the Google Data API’s. Be sure to check out the Google Apps Marketplace Developer overview for more information and to see which API’s you could use and how to use these. I would advise to check out the OAuth Playground if you have any problems with authorization. Using the playground with two-legged OAuth is very easy. Just follow these steps:
  1. Set the signature method to HMAC-SHA1
  2. Type in your consumer key and consumer secret (these can be found in your Vendor Profile)
  3. Set your Feed URL (step 6)
  4. Set GData-version to 3.0 unless the API only supports 2.0
  5. Click execute
Since the OAuth playground traffic isn’t over SSL, I’d only recommend using it with the consumer key and secret for a test application installed on test domains.

Thank you for reading this tutorial. I know this isn’t the best approach on using two-legged OAuth but it will give you some insight. The best way would be to build in two-legged OAuth support in the Google Data APIs Ruby Utility Library. I haven’t done that yet but am planning to look into that soon. If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you. You can email me at

One last note: These code snippets are just examples of how to use the Google Apps Marketplace with Rails. I would advise you not to use these examples in a production environment.

Want to weigh in on this topic? Discuss on Buzz

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Hack to School

Editor’s Note: Guest author Andrew Stillman is a teacher who works at New Visions for Public Schools, a non-profit that provides direct support services to 76 New York City high schools. — Arun Nagarajan

On March 16th, as a green tide tide of college students flowed into Manhattan for a day of rousing revelry, more than 50 young coders from New York-area computer science programs and 30 teachers were drawn instead to Kean University in New Jersey by the gravity of St. Hacktrick’s Day, our first Apps Script for EDU Codeathon. Inspired by the viral popularity of the Flubaroo, Doctopus, and autoCrat scripts for teachers, St. Hacktrick’s Day aimed to pair coders with educators to produce more free, smart tools for education.

Teacher Daniel Scibienski works as an elementary ESL teacher in NJ. He helped organize and emcee the event, and was on the winning team that built a picture-prompt generator for Google Docs.

Most of the student scripters were on their first day of spring break, making our huge turnout for this event all the more remarkable. Product designers — all working educators who took time out on a Saturday — traveled from as far north as Ulster County, NY and as far south as Virginia, while we had others who joined teams via G+ Hangouts from Singapore, Montreal, Vancouver, and London.

This team built a class-roster Google Site replicator using Apps Script, cookies, and Coke. Their EDU design partner was located in the UK!

Unlike a typical hackathon, teams weren’t simply building their own ideas — instead, to ensure their scripts would be truly useful in the classroom, we solicited project proposals through a Google Moderator board. By the day of the event, we had 48 ideas with 187 votes from educators around the world.

In all, 17 teams built demo-ready prototypes in less than 6 hours of coding. The Apps Script team rounded up a few Nexus 7 tablets for the winners below and invited them to present their projects to the Google Docs engineering team:

Popular vote: Picture Prompt Generator
Summary: Inserts kid-friendly pictures from Google Image Search into student documents. Elementary students then write stories based on the visual prompts.
Design: Daniel Scibienski
Code: Ashish Nandwani and Krutika Shah

Judges choice: Plagiarism Detector
Summary: Uses a similarity algorithm to rank Google Documents by originality.
Design and code: Alice Lin, Basim Baig, and Jackie Wei (Stony Brook University)

Judges choice: Unpivot Google Form Data
Summary: Removes duplicates from Google Form data and transforms it for use in a pivot table.
Design: Ron Turchyniak
Code: Andrew Ireland, Sangwook Lee, and Steve Byung Park (Stony Brook University)

Teams have been asked to open-source their code and donate it to New Visions for Public Schools, the support organization I work for, and to consider improving their projects for use by educators everywhere. We’ll keep you posted as these resources become available.

Big thanks to our participants, to organizers Meredith Martin, Dave Zirkle, Daniel Scibienski, Emily Graves, Diana Potts, Lisa Thumann, Andrew Carle, and to Google’s Arun Nagarajan, Saurabh Gupta, and Zach Yeskel.

Andrew Stillman   profile

Andrew Stillman is a career STEM educator who works as Program Officer for Digital Instruction at New Visions for Public Schools, a non-profit that provides direct support services to 76 New York City high schools. Andrew founded and has written a number of popular Apps Scripts for schools designed to improve efficacy through better workflows, communications, and data management in Google Apps.

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Funny javascript date function

Whoever invented the javascript Date function, is/was a funny person. It goes like this:

var t = new Date;
var day = t.getDate(); // returns the actual day of the month; like 1-31
var Month = t.getMonth(); // returns the 0-based index of the month; like 0-11

So to get the real month value, you need to do

var Month = t.getMonth()+1;

Now Im sure theres a whole lot smart reasons for doing it like this. But its damn not logical. Why are days not 0-based? Or years? I guess its just to keep things complicated.

Anyway, then comes the getYear() and getFullYear(). Why did they ever create the method getYear()? I guess its to have me enter a blog post. :-)
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Monday, March 9, 2015

Team Ownership through the UX Design Studio Approach

A few weeks ago I was added to a new team that had already spent some time working on the technical challenges for the project but had yet to do much UX work. One of the first things the team asked me to help with was to create the User Interface design. I think what they expected was for me to ask some probing questions, go draw some pretty pictures in Visio or some other tool and then present (and dictate) the results. Ive certainly taken this approach on previous projects. However, in this case I went to my agile improvement backlog and decided to try the Design Studio approach I had learned at Agile 2010 in a session by Todd Zaki Warfel.

The Design Studio approach is a team approach to UX design. When I first asked the team if they would consider doing the UX design as a team, they were surprised and delighted to be asked (cool!). I had high hopes for this approach because I was excited to see the results of using the collective imagination of the team to create a cohesive and well thought out design. Before I share the results, here are the details of this technique:

Prerequisites: You should have already created your initial backlog of user stories. Creating other artifacts like personas and user scenarios first would also be useful. In our case we had the stories and some scenarios, but no personas yet. You will also need to print out several 8up sheets like the one in the image below and bring along several pencils. You can download the 8Up here or create your own in Excel. 

  1. Gather team members for the exercise. Not everyone needs to participate, but you should have willing participants from each role including developers and client.
  2. Decide on a focus for your UX design. This could be a specific release, user scenario, or some grouping of user stories.
  3. Hand out 8up papers and pencils to everyone on the team.
  4. Ask everyone to create 6-8 sketches of the different pages/screens in the app (see tips below).
  5. Once you start, tell them they only have 5 minutes to complete their 6-8 sketches.
    • You could tell them this before, but it seems to help crystalize their thoughts when they hear this.
  6. After 5 minutes, review each set of drawings:
    • Each person has 3 minutes to pitch their drawings to the team.
    • The team then has 2 minutes to identify 3 things that worked and 2 things to change.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 until the team reaches a consensus on the design.
  8. Once your design is complete, keep the final sheets as your UI reference model.
    • You wont likely need to transfer this to Visio or any other tool. The model should contain enough information and brief notes so that you can develop straight from the paper and make final adjustments in your development tool while having a conversation.
Some tips:
  • Gloss over details in your drawings. You need just enough detail to communicate your design.
  • Aim for quantity not quality.
  • When doing this for the first time, dont tell your team they only have five minutes until after they start.
  • Do steal ideas from each other.
  • As always, include your client in these sessions.

Four of us met in a conference room to try out this new approach. For a user scenario that included about 10 stories, we executed three rounds. As a team, we were very pleased with the results and how quickly the final design emerged. Despite starting with very different ideas, we discovered that by the third round our drawings were nearly identical and represented the best work of the team. Using this approach helped generate ideas none of us would have thought of individually and resulted in team ownership of the design. We also found that we identified a few new excitement user stories to add to and enhance our existing backlog. Additionally, as we walked through each others drawings we discovered one or two basic stories that we had missed while generating our initial backlog. Time will tell if the resulting UX design will be successful, but as a whole the team is confident in both the approach and the result.

In summary, this approach was fast, promoted team ownership, and produced a great result. You can learn more about the Design Studio approach here:

I thought the success of this team approach was appropriate to write about on a day where this quote was found in @ThisIsSethsBlog - "Im not going to believe that only a few people are permitted to be gatekeepers or creators or generous leaders". Indeed.

Update April 1, 2011: I introduced this approach to a larger group of my fellow employees this week. Someone asked "why we should continue with round 2, 3 etc - why not just have the group consolidate the good ideas and produce one design together after round 1?" 

My answer: If you consolidate your ideas after round one then you are risking two things: 1) That the loud voices will be the one driving the ideas and design. The practice of having everyone re-drawing the design allows each persons ideas to be incorporated. 2) As you repeat the process of re-drawing your design, the ideas from your team members will seep into your ideas and birth new ones. If you consolidate your design too early, you risk losing those new ideas that can only form in the act of putting your ideas down with paper and pencil.
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In pursuit of better not best

I realize that many of you already scowl when you hear anyone talk about best practices. Instead of adding to that discussion, Id like to share a short story with you about someone who influenced me to keep looking for better and to never assume that Ive reached best.

I can still picture Mr. Loewen leaning on the desk at the front of my grade 9 class and settling in for a speech. The tone of his voice and even his posture indicated that what he was going to say was important. I think I expected a lecture on the importance of the subject, paying attention in class, working hard at the assignments, or being respectful to the teacher. Or maybe he was going to give his outstanding student joke - students who crossed the line would end up out standing in the hallway. Instead, he confessed to us. He confessed that he didnt know it all. Of course I cant remember the exact words, but it went something like this:
"In this course Im going to teach you what I know to the best of my ability. Im going to tell you truths as I understand them today. But, someday you will encounter ideas and truths that might make more sense than what I have taught you in this course. You will discover that some of what I have taught you is wrong. When you encounter those ideas, embrace them. And even as you embrace those new truths, remember that you, also, might be wrong again."
Those words sat with me for a long time before I saw the wisdom in them and embraced them. They have served me well and taken me through some challenging times. Thanks Mr. Loewen.

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Updates on Authentication for Gmail IMAP POP and SMTP

We’d like to highlight some recent and upcoming changes around authentication for Gmail IMAP, POP, and SMTP.

Additional Scrutiny for Password Authentication 
As previously announced, Google has begun increasing the security checks that occur when logging in with a user’s Google password. This includes access via Gmail IMAP, POP, and SMTP-MSA. It does not apply when authenticating with OAuth 2.0 via the XOAUTH2 mechanism.

If the checks detect anything suspicious about a password login attempt, our servers may deny login and return an error message requesting that the user first login to Google through a web browser. They may also require the user to explicitly enable “Less Secure Apps” on their account. Applications that perform password authentication to IMAP, POP, or SMTP are examples of "Less Secure Apps".

We strongly encourage developers to use OAuth 2.0 (via the XOAUTH2 mechanism for IMAP, POP, and SMTP) in order to better protect their users.

XOAUTH support ends May 5, 2015 
The OAuth 1.0 XOAUTH authentication mechanism for Gmail IMAP and SMTP-MSA is deprecated and will stop being supported on May 5, 2015. Developers must migrate to XOAUTH2 in order to continue authenticating to Gmail after that date. You can migrate existing users without their intervention by following the instructions in this migration guide. Instructions for developing your XOAUTH2 code are in the XOAUTH2 documentation.

Posted by Jamie Nicolson, Gmail Software Engineer
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Revevol Quality Dashboard

Editor’s Note: Guest author Romain Vialard works at Revevol, an international service provider dedicated to Google Apps and other Cloud solutions. -- Jan Kleinert

In a previous post, Improving Revevol’s Productivity with Google Apps Script, we demonstrated how Apps Script helped us handle a lot of training requests. For any given client, using tools we built with Google Apps Script, we are able to quickly find the perfect trainer depending on variables like the date, the place, the language and the training scope. To ensure that the training we do meets a consistent quality bar, we send a survey to all the participants at the end of the training. This post discusses how we use Google Apps to conduct these surveys to glean insight into the quality of our training.

We started our survey project by using simple Google Forms to poll our users. Each form creates a spreadsheet per language, each with thousands of submissions. From this data, we need to create visualizations to quickly make sense of all the information we gather. We want our international clients to each be presented with a unique dashboard for trainings in all their subsidiaries, our change managers to be able to see the results of any specific training to be sure that everything went well, and our trainers to see only the data they need.

We used Apps Script to tie all the pieces together to fulfill these requirements. We created a translation table in a spreadsheet to automate the translation of each survey, and persist the results using JSON two-dimensional arrays in a spreadsheet cell. Using this data, we present a web based front-end to show several charts and bring controls to filter the data in many ways. Each client is provided with a special access key that allows them to view the dashboards relevant to their organization. Clients log in via their existing Google Accounts, and the application presents and enforces appropriate access control rights that are depending upon their role in the organization.

This dashboard shows a few different charts along with a tabular display of the data.

With the recent addition of libraries in Apps Script, we were able to build this dashboard in a very short amount of time using a few of the notable script libraries linked to from the Apps Script documentation.

With ArrayLib’s method filterByText(data, columnIndex, value), we are able to implement filtering to enforce access controls by role:

if (e.parameter.selectedTrainer != All &&
e.parameter.selectedTrainer != undefined)
data = ArrayLib.filterByText(data,
if (e.parameter.selectedClient != All &&
e.parameter.selectedClient != undefined)
data = ArrayLib.filterByText(data,

With PivotChartsLib, we can create charts based on our survey results in only a few lines of code:

var grid = app.createGrid(3, 2);
var chart = PivotChartsLib.createColumnChart(data, 10);
grid.setWidget(0, 0, chart);
var chart = PivotChartsLib.createPieChart(data, 9);
grid.setWidget(0, 1, chart);
var chart = PivotChartsLib.createColumnChart(data, 6);
grid.setWidget(1, 0, chart);

Apps Script is all about Google Apps. Applications running on Apps Script handle authentication as well as integrating seamlessly with spreadsheets as well as other parts of Google Apps. With Apps Script, we have a powerful tool to tie together all of the more general services from Google Apps and build rich, domain specific applications for our clients.

Romain Vialard   profile | YouTube

Romain Vialard is a Google Apps Change Management consultant at Revevol. Romain writes scripts to automate everyday tasks, add functionality and facilitate rapid adoption of cutting edge web infrastructures. As a Google Apps Script Top Contributor, he has also built many of the top scripts in the Apps Script Gallery, including the very popular Gmail Meter.

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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Agile Adoption 6 Influence Strategies

The vital behaviours for successful software projects (agile or not) are simply these: a) improve communication by co-locating, b) get access to the customer and c) have short delivery cycles. (Read part 1 of this post here). This is so simple, and yet agile adoption continues to be a big question mark for many people and a track is dedicated to the question at Agile2011. So how can we influence these three behaviours?

The second half of the book “Influencer: The Power to Change Anything” (Patterson, Grenny, Maxfield, McMillan, Switzler) is devoted to the six types of influence strategies you can use to make sure the vital behaviours occur. But first, let’s look at some quotes from the book that describe strategies that we often find ourselves using, but that have been proven to be ineffective:

“When it comes to resistant problems, verbal persuasion rarely works” (No kidding eh?)

“People bet on single-source influence strategies all the time (and fail)”

Understanding that I am a beginner influencer, here is a brief summary of the six influence strategies found in the book with concrete examples of how you can execute these strategies in order to bring about the vital behaviours that will improve the results of your software projects.

1) Make the Undesirable Desirable (Personal Motivation)

If people find the behaviour undesirable then they are not likely to exhibit that behaviour unless you can convince them it is fun. One way to make the behaviour intrinsically satisfying is to turn it into a game. Keeping track of things like velocity and the number of passing tests in a visible area can be a fun way to keep score. As the team has early successes, find fun ways to recognize them for their accomplishments such as completed stories, iterations with decreasing defects and happier customers. One of our teams rings a cow bell when a story is completed and employees cheer when they hear the bell. The team also gives a syphilis stuffed toy to anyone that breaks the build (they can redeem themselves by buying donuts). These are simple ways to make new behaviours fun and desirable.

2) Surpass Your Limits (Personal Ability)

People need to be convinced that they have the ability to make the required changes. Send your team to a hands-on agile training so that they can experience what it is like to work on a project that exhibits these vital behaviours. Make sure that the training is hands-on rather than lecture based. Once the project has started, help your team to gain confidence by starting with short delivery cycles where they are producing working, high quality code (even if only in very small batches). Once the team sees early results they will gain confidence that they can change their approach.

3) Harness Peer Pressures (Social Motivation)

Use peer pressure to your advantage by creating a co-located area. According to one of the studies in the book, “one variable more than any other affected how people behaved: the presences of one more person”. Putting people in a common space with expectations set for the 3 vital behaviours will improve your team’s chances of changing their behaviours. Also, find the opinion leader on your team (the one that has the most respect and influence) and spend a lot of time with that person addressing their concerns. If there are included in the process they will begin to share your ideas with the team and the vital behaviours will occur.

4) Find Strength in Numbers (Social Ability)

We are more likely to be successful when we have a little help from our friends. Create a dedicated team that is responsible for the results and hold the team accountable rather than an individual. Teams that work together are more likely to come up with a plan that will succeed.

5) Design Rewards and Demand Accountability (Structural Motivation)

Any system of rewards can be dangerous. The book is very careful to describe that if the other influence strategies are properly used, rewards need only to be small in order to influence change. A simple strategy would be to create a visual project management board where individuals can move post-its from one column to another as they progress through the steps required to complete each story. Moving a post-it is can symbolize a very small reward that happens during your daily stand-up meetings. Rewards such as the cow bell used above for completed stories can also be simple and effective.

6) Change the Environment (Structural Ability)

Make use of the physical environment to influence the desired change. Create your co-located space so that it encourages people to work together by removing the cubicle walls, office doors, etc. Increase the “propinquity” of your teams and your customers by having them work in the same space. “The best predictor of whether two people will work together is the distance between them.” Additionally, make sure your visual project management board is in a central place and displays some of the common metrics such as velocity, wip limits, and burn down charts. This helps make the invisible visible.

To recap, the Influencer book has some great ideas and strategies on how to influence change. If you are considering how to influence your team to improve their software project results, promote the three key behaviours identified above by using all six influence strategies to make the change inevitable. If your teams are struggling to exhibit the behaviours, consider changing your influence strategies rather than giving up or targeting other behaviours.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Top 50 e Learning Super Heroes on Planet Earth!

Congratulations to ALL that made the Top 50 e-Learning Super Heroes list! The results are based on 1861 voters from around world.

If you didnt make it, please revisit and enjoy the complete list (220) of Top e-Learning Movers and Shakers in 2013 (TEMS13) or the TEMS13 Award Winners and various Top 10 Lists

Before, going any further, I would like to personally congratulate and thank all the sponsors for their wonderful support during the TEMS13 project! International Medical University, International Medical College (New), iBerry, WizIQ and Listly...Thank you! 


While the TEMS13 Award was about winning MOST VOTES, the e-Learning Super Hero of 2013 Award goes beyond this as it takes into account WHO IS VOTING (Impact Votes). Also, nominees can gain 50 BONUS POINTS by being pro-active discovering, voting and celebrating their favorite e-Learning Super Heroes among the 220 nominees.

The nominee with the highest score (based on a Gamified points system) becomes the e-Learning Super Hero of 2013 and wins the 1st Prize, which is £200 (British Pounds). The Top 3 wins free (commercial) Listly accounts for a year. 

However, due to practical reasons (e.g. No time to check 1600+ social media profiles!) and the fact that these scores had to be calculated manually using Google Spreadsheet, only the following two gamified rules were applied:
  • Impact Votes (IV): Other nominees who voted for you. Each vote gives you an additional 10 points.
  • Bonus Points: You vote for other nominees. 5 Points for each vote you gave (Max 50 points = 10 Votes).

*Zaid Ali Alsagoff is not eligible for any awards as he is the originator, organizer, promoter and Twitter MC for #TEMS13.


Download PDF version!

*The TEMS13 Details sheet only contains 90+ of the 220 nominees filtered out based on TEMS13 results and number of votes for each hero. CLICK HERE to access the full list (unfiltered with cases of double, triple and quadrupedal voting).

*The votes per nominee might vary from the Listly results, as the double, triple, quadruple votes by one person has been (mostly) deleted. You can vote up to 4 times if you login as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+. However, that is unacceptable and such incidents have been deleted where discovered.


Oops, I won again! Yeah! Al-Hamdulilla! Thank you!

Though, since I am not eligible for any prices (except for having fun and playing) the 1st Prize goes to Juan Domingo Farnós (200 British Pounds). Congrats! We are thrilled that you have won it! 

Also, we would like to take the opportunity to thank iBerry for being the sponsor of the 1st Prize. Congrats!

In addition, Listly will upgrade the Top 3s Listly accounts to premium version for one year. Since, Juan Domingo Farnós, Mohamed Amin Embi and Alfredo Prieto already have won this for the TEMS13 Awards,  Jane Hart, Stephen Downes and George Siemens will receive it for this round of awards. Thanks and Congrats!


WOW! what an impact Impact Votes (IV) made on the results! Here are the Top 10 based on IV only:

  1.   Zaid Ali Alsagoff (30 IV)
  2.   Jane Hart (27 IV)
  3.   Stephen Downes (25 IV)
  4.   George Siemens (23 IV)
  5.   Steve Wheeler (20 IV)
  6.   Tom Kuhlmann (19 IV)
  7.   Alec Couros (16 IV)
  7.   Grainne Conole (16 IV)
  9.   Jane Bozarth (15 IV)
 9.   Jay Cross (15 IV)

Only number one remained the same, but for the rest of the e-Learning Super Heroes it had a rising impact. Congrats! The TOP 10 IV LIST IS...WOW!


iBerry has already indicated that it will be willing to sponsor another around of TEMS in 2014! If it does happen, I will for sure cook up more gamified scoring items (e.g. Google search of the e-Learning Super Heros name), and try to make it more fun and relevant than this years edition. I am still learning! 

However, I will for sure not participate as a nominee in 2014, if I am the host, Twitter DJ and promoter of TEMS14! It was cool to win the treble this this year (TEMS13, IV rank and e-Learning Super Hero of the Year Awards), but thats it! 

Thank you everyone for all the support! Everyone who participated, voted and celebrated the 220 e-Learning Super Heroes in TEMS13 deserves a BIG SUPER HERO HUG AND CONGRATULATIONS! 

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Do You Want Cheap Books For Your Classroom

There are so many things I love when it comes to my classroom... without card stock, Velcro, clothespins, magnetic tape and magnetic printer paper, I wouldnt know what to do! Ill definitely detail the infinite uses of all of those things one day, but all of those things being said, there is one thing that I am addicted to more than anything else: childrens books!!!

Take a look at how full my bookshelf is in my classroom!

And thats not even all: I have 11 totes full of books in my basement! They are 64 qt. totes and hold 100-200 books!

Obviously, the cost of books can add up quick, especially when we have so many different topics that there are great read alouds for. But, there is a way to get books for your classroom for dirt cheap... library books sales!!! These are probably the best way to build a classroom library!

The best way Ive found library books sales is through this website:

Note: Im not getting paid to promote the website, Im posting it because it honestly is the best!!

Browse through the site to find sales near you. Usually the ones that state "Big Sale!" are pretty good, but only trial and error will really work. You can sign up for a weekly email alerts so youre always aware of the sales in your area (without having to remember to check the website!)

Now, any given day at a library sale is a steal for books... but do you want books for your classroom that are basically free?  Of course you do!!!!  So you need to go to the book sales on the best day... bag day! Most large library sales have this the last day of their sale. Fill up a whole bag full of books for $5! A lot of places let you even bring your own bag... I get a kick out of people with giant beach bags full of books (ok, so Im usually one of those people but it is funny to watch)!

Not only do I use bag day to stock up on new books for the classroom, but I also use it to fill my treasure chest! The kids just look to bring home books as a prize for their good behavior! I started off this year with two totes full of books for the treasure chest (easily 300 books that I paid a total of $10 for) and all of these books were gone by December! They were the most popular prize as well as the least expensive!
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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

If Only I Had Discovered Namechk Earlier!!!


Namechk empowers you quickly to see if your desired username or vanity URL is still available at dozens of popular social media tools. You simply need to enter the desired username into the chk box and then click. Voila, let the magic begin! WOW!

In short, you can promote your brand consistently by registering a username that is still available on the majority of the most popular sites without wasting too much time. NICE!

Although, I dont care too much about branding (my blog design might be a good hint!), this tool is really useful to speed up the process for checking available usernames on dozens of social media tools. I suppose the next time any marketing consultant charges you a bomb to check such stuff... tell them to fly a kite! :)
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Monetize Videos on Youtube to Earn Money

If you want to earn money from google adsense without any blog or website you can earn money from youtube with uploading your videos on youtube and monetize them with youtube monetization program.
Friends in this post i will tell you how to monetize your videos with youtube monetization program. To monetize your videos you will have to apply for youtube monetization program and get a Google Adsense account.

Read More about: How to Apply for Youtube MonetizationProgram and get Google Adsense Account

When you have your adsense account after getting approved for monetization program. Follow these steps

1: Sign in to your youtube account.

2: Click on Upload Video

3: Upload a video

(Note: Never use any copyright video to monetize. Videos like movie trailers, songs or any other copyright material is not allowed for monetization by youtube.)

5: Chose your video title,  description, tags and thumbnail.
google adsense tutoria

6: wait till your video uploaded successfully.

7: Now Click on Monetization Tab right next to Basic Infos.

8: Click on Monetize with ads, Ads format and Syndication.
Monetize your videos on youtube

9: Click Save

Now your video is applied for monetization and will get approval within 24 hours.  Some times it takes only 10 to 15 minutes, some times it takes up to 24 hours.
how to monetize videos on youtube

Don’t forget to share my post with your friends if you think its helpful. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask. Just comment and ask I will solve your issues.
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What Did They Say! Wednesday! A Linky Party!

Kids say the darndest things!

What Did They Say!?

<div align="center"><a href="" title="What Did They Say!?"><img src="" alt="What Did They Say!?" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

This weeks story really makes me question how well my children actually comprehend the stories I read to them!

The kids were listening about dinosaurs which discussed possible causes for extinction.  One theory is that a storm came and killed all the plants, which then left the dinosaurs without food.  The teacher who was reading the book asked, "Who remembers how the dinosaurs became extinct?"  One of my students replied, "A giant storm came and it was really windy, and the wind blew off all of the dinosaurs skin so all that was left was bones!"

I really question her listening comprehension now!!!

Now... its time to share your cute kids story from this week!

Rules for the Linky Party:

  1. Share a story that one of your kids said on your blog!  If you dont have a blog, leave a comment with your story!
  2. Use the HTML code at the top of this post to link back to the post!
  3. Comment on the two blog posts before yours!


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Facebook Twitter for Learning at IMEC8!

Facilitating a half-day hands-on Facebook & Twitter for Learning workshop on the 13th March (2013) at the 8th International Medical Education Conference (IMEC-2013). Venue: International Medical University (IMU), Malaysia.
  • Facebook Group


Today more than one billion people use Facebook, and more than 500 million use Twitter to connect, share and interact with one another.  In this workshop, we will explore how we can use Facebook and Twitter to facilitate learning and teaching

During the hands-on activities, we will learn how to create Facebook Groups to engage students and conduct assignments, and create unique Twitter #hashtags to empower dedicated streams for sharing and learning. Finally, we will explore several Twitter apps to engage students in the classroom and beyond.


After this workshop, you will be able to:
  • Use Facebook and Twitter to facilitate learning and teaching.
  • Create Facebook Groups/Pages to engage students and conduct assignments.
  • Create unique Twitter #hashtags for programmes, courses and events.
  • Use Twitter apps to engage students in the classroom (and beyond).


Facebook for Learning at #IMEC8 from Zaid Alsagoff

CLICK HERE to download (PowerPoint version).


Twitter for Learning at #IMEC8 from Zaid Alsagoff

CLICK HERE to download (PowerPoint version).

Facebook and Twitter are still cool learning tools, so dont miss this crash course :)
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Monday, March 2, 2015

ZaidLearns Juiciest Bedtime Stories

"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
Albert Einstein

Again I am trying to suck out the juiciest posts in ZaidLearn and make them easier to access and share. In the last post I focused on the juiciest resource lists on ZaidLearn. This time around, I am focusing on learning stories posted. Here is a collection of my favorite bedtime (learning) stories on ZaidLearn:

  • Coaching Critical Thinking To Think Creatively!

"I very much enjoyed this article, a longish description of how the author (Zaid Alsagoff) revamped a critical thinking course. It wasnt so much the content of the article (though as someone who has taught critical thinking dozens of times I had an inherent interest). Rather, what interested me was the storytelling, the way the author let me into his thinking process. This isnt the sort of article that requires you to agree or disagree with it; we are clearly and entertainingly being told what was done, and why. Would he do it differently next time? Still, we can compare the thinking with our own, compare the process with our own - and thats exactly what I did, and why I enjoyed it. Be sure to click on the slide shows in Slideshare, such as this one."
- Stephen Downes

In this 5-part series, I reflect specific teaching habits that inspire students out of learning. Is that possible? Here we go:
  • Part 1 - Whiteboard And I Are One!

  • Part 2 - I Have Bragging Rights, Because I Am …

  • Part 3 - Is PowerPoint Evil?
    "Of course, PowerPoint is not inherently evil, it is just poorly used. For those who are interested in using PowerPoint well, this article has a lot of material that will be of interest." - Stephen Downes

  • Part 4 - No Stupid Questions! I am Serious!

  • Part 5 - Show Up to Throw Up! 21st Century Thinking?

  • Solution: 10 Secrets To Great Teaching (Part 1 and Part 2)


  • Harun Yahya - An Invitation To The Truth

  • Blackle And My Inspirational Sandcastle Adventure!

  • Scivee And The Origin Of Yes We Can!

  • 27 Inspiring Women Edubloggers

  • The Secret - Get 100.000+ Followers On Twitter In 24 Hours!

  • E-Learning 2.0 Workshop (Stephen Downes)
    "It would be pretty hard to write a more comprehensive (and kind) summary of my workshop than this by Zaid Ali Alsagoff, who deserves by thanks for acting as my videographer and assistant during the strenuous two-day event. What I like about this post was that the lessons were meta - not so much the bits about web 2.0 technology discussed during the session, but rather about the attitude and perspective on teaching their deployment represents. In my own mind, what we accomplished was best represented in two photos, this one at the beginning of the first day, where everything was ordered and proper, and this one near the end of the second day, where real learning was happening."
    - Stephen Downes
  • Salman Khan Uses Microsoft Paint to Inspire Learning

  • Ruzaimis Free Drawing Lessons Inspires Me to Sketch!

  • Crashing The Workshop To Capture A Great Learning Moment!
"In one session, Zaid himself shared that he recorded one session of a professor (if I can remember correctly), just the voice and then he added a PowerPoint presentation of the talk which I thought was brilliant and at no extra cost." - Christopher Chew

  • The World Is Flat 3.0 (Thomas Friedman)
"I have a Dream (King)! Go Green (Friedman)! Yes, We Can (Obama)!" -Unknown

  • Warren Buffetts MBA Talk Vs Evolution of Dance
    "Which is the better educational material, a speech by Warren Buffet, one of the richest people in the world, on investing, or a 6 minute video on the evolution of dance? The presumption of this post is that the crowd got it wrong, viewing the dance video 59 million times and watching Buffett only 98,000 times. But I learned more about dance in six minutes than I learned about stocks in 60 - and I trust the dance video a lot more, because you cant fake this stuff. Buffett gives us folksy advice like "you should buy what you know" and questionable bits like "if you learned about Wrigleys 40 years ago, you still know everything you need to know." Um, what? I agree with the author that there are "many excellent free online learning resources out there that are not being fully utilized by the global intelligence learning network." But I dont agree that Buffetts talk is one of them - and this illustrates perfectly the folly of trying to plan this or of depending on presumed authority to make the choices for us (Lesson learned, thanks Stephen!)" - Stephen Downes
  • From Public Speaking Class To CEO Of Google
    Guess who?
  • How Do You Motivate Staff? (Steve Ballmer)
    "I have four words for you: I LOVE THIS COMPANY! YEEEEEAAAAAS"


  • TWIT Outshines Twitter In 2013!

  • 69 Learning Adventures in 6 Galaxies (E-book)
    "...Available for free download at, the book brings together key “learning nuggets” as Zaid calls them with the arbitrary number 69 representing what he feels are the best learning chunks to appear over the past year on his blog, ZaidLearn....what has always been critical for this writer is the amount of reflection Zaid puts into the role of teacher. He constantly reviews his own practices to determine the impact he is having on his students making him an outstanding role model for those aspiring to the profession..." - Thomas J. Hanson

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