Friday, January 30, 2015


Today my blog is going on a (temporary?) hiatus. Read more for details.

For over 2 and a half years I have been updating the site daily with new handwritten tutorials on ActionScript 3, Flex, Adobe AIR, Android SDK and a few other technologies. It has been a good run, but, unfortunately, today it comes to an end.

This means that the blog will not be updated daily anymore. I dont know when or what I will post here, but I still have a few things to talk about on Android so chances are Im still going to be publishing tutorials here. Just not every day.

When I start learning a new language in the future, I might begin posting here daily again. But it is unknown when will that happen.

Now, here are some statistics that the site has gotten over the 2 and a half years of daily updates:

  • 985 posts
  • 602,380 all-time hits
  • average daily pageviews: over 1000

Thanks to everyone who has followed my blog and read my tutorials! It is truly great to know that my work actually helped some people.

See you later!

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